Educational resources

30 Titles

UMA Editorial joins the commitment of universities to education, by sharing teaching books for free, with the aim of helping students reinforce and continue their training.

The collection has been designed to house works created by teachers, with the purpose of helping students in the theoretical and/or practical study of their subjects.

Support materials are available that help students enrich their bibliographies, advance their learning, and allow them to access, review, and reuse the theoretical and practical teaching content, through the creation of new materials.

The collection includes practice books in various areas of knowledge.

The books are distributed under a CC BY-NC license, which means that they can be downloaded and redistributed without restrictions, as long as no commercial use is made of them, and the authorship is cited.

The specific guidelines for publishing in this collection are:

- The PDF will be published on the UMAEditorial Monographs Portal, therefore, it is free and open access.

- The layout of the PDF to be published is the responsibility of the authors, including the Cover, which is mandatory.

- In the case of collective works, one or two coordinators must appear.

- All monographs must reflect the title, abstract and keywords in English

- Following Art. 12 of the Regulation on Open Science Policy of the UMA, the unique identification code of the author(s) (ORCID) must be included on the credits page.

- We provide you with ISBN and DOI

-All works likely to be published in open access will have to comply with the blind peer evaluation system.

-The authors recognize and guarantee the legitimate and absolute ownership of the work, as well as the additional material that accompanies it, on which they declare that they do not have any limitation or encumbrance that prevents them from freely disposing or, if applicable, having the corresponding reproduction authorizations, in accordance with current legislation.

All Books

Digital education: Resources and teaching strategies

Enrique Sánchez Rivas (ed), Elena Sánchez Vega (ed), Violeta Cebrián Robles (ed), Andrea Cívico Ariza (ed)
January 31, 2025

Galileo’s experiments: An orderly summary of thirty years ofintermittent and disorderly work

Juan Falgueras Cano; Juan Luis Alcántara López
January 14, 2025

On squares and rhombi: An attainable introduction to modal logic

Alfredo Burrieza, Antonio Yuste-Ginel
December 4, 2024

Reflections on Biological Evolution

José María González Donoso
October 10, 2024

Implementación y gestión de programas de vacunación en pacientes inmunocomprometidos: Demografía, Economía y Salud. El Valor de las Vacunas en la Nueva Era

Nuria García-Agua Soler, Enrico Keber, Antonio J. García Ruíz, Mª Luz González Álvarez , Francisco Jódar Sánchez
July 16, 2024

Knowledge of Spanish in France and the first Spanish-French grammars (1550-1700)

Diana Esteba Ramos (ed), Marie Hélène Maux (ed), Françoise Richer-Rossi (ed), Marc Zuili (ed)
May 16, 2024

Laboratorio de Ingeniería de Microondas: Aplicación de Antenas Impresas UHF Para Sistema de Localización

María Campo Valera (ed), Miguel Poveda García (ed), Joaquín García Fernández (ed), José Antonio López Pastor (ed), Alejandro Gil Martínez (ed), David Cañete Rebenaque (ed)
January 16, 2024

Bioética y Legislación Aplicada en Ciencias de la Salud

Jaime Martin Martin, Ignacio Miguel Santos Amaya, Stella Martín de las Heras, María Jesus Gaitán Arroyo, Juan Suarez Pérez, Leticia Olga Rubio Lamia
July 13, 2023

Cirugía Podológica I

Joaquín Paéz Moguer , Marcelino Torrontegui Duarte , Gabriel Gijon Nogueron, Alejandro Castillo Domínguez , Ruth Tshituka Reina
June 5, 2023

Conectando el Futuro: Ciudades Inteligentes, IoT y la Transformación de la Sociedad Urbana

Ignacio Rodríguez Rodríguez, María Campo Valera, Víctor Calderón Fajardo
May 16, 2023

Libro de Actividades. Fundamentos de Fisioterapia.

Cristina Roldán Jiménez
April 12, 2023

El Internet de las Cosas Médicas (IoMT): Una Revolución Tecnológica aplicable a la Gestión de la Diabetes Mellitus Tipo 1

Ignacio Rodríguez Rodríguez, José-Victor Rodríguez, María Campo Valera
March 16, 2023

Infografías sobre patologías podológicas

Eva Lopezosa Reca (ed), Salvador Francisco Díaz Miguel (ed), Andrés Reinoso Cobo (ed), Laura Ramos Petersen (ed), Pablo Cervera Garvi (ed), Ana José Marchena Rodríguez (ed)
March 16, 2023

Tecnología y educación en tiempos de cambio

Teresa Linde Valenzuela (ed), Francisco David Guille Gámez (ed), Andrea Cívico Ariza (ed), Elena Sánchez Vega (ed)
November 12, 2021

Modelo colaborativo de optimización de costes entre farmacia hospitalaria y un servicio clínico

Antonio J. García Ruiz (ed), Mª Inmaculada Martínez-Brocal (ed), Francisco Jódar Sánchez (ed)
May 28, 2021
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