
27 Titles

This collection is designed to give visibility to the Congresses held at the University of Malaga.

The specific guidelines for publishing in this collection are:

- Only conferences held at the UMA will be published.

- The PDF will be published on the UMAEditorial Monographs Portal, therefore, it is free and open access.

- The layout of the PDF to be published is the responsibility of the authors, including the Cover, which is mandatory.

- In the case of collective works, one or two coordinators must appear.

- All congress must include title, abstract and keywords in English.

- Following Art. 12 of the Regulation on Open Science Policy of the UMA, the unique identification code of the author(s) (ORCID) must be included on the credits page.

- The Scientific Committee of the Congress must appear on the first pages of the book, and they must also provide the ORCID. This committee will be in charge of evaluating the communications presented.

- We provide you ISBN and DOI

-The authors recognize and guarantee the legitimate and absolute ownership of the work, as well as the additional material that accompanies it, on which they declare that they do not have any limitation or encumbrance that prevents them from freely disposing or, if applicable, having the corresponding reproduction authorizations, in accordance with current legislation.

All Books

8th International Academic and Professional Congress on Happiness "Communication, happiness, economy and innovation: Analysis of entrepreneurial ecosystems with a gender perspective

Carmen Jambrino Maldonado (ed), Carlos de las Heras Pedrosa (ed), Pedro Cuesta-Valiño (ed), Rafael Ravina Ripoll (ed)
February 14, 2025

Libro de Actas (Resúmenes) del I Congreso Internacional e Iberoamericano de Buenas Prácticas en Atención Temprana e Inclusión Educativa

Eduardo Eloseguí Bandera (ed), Dolores Casquero Arjona (ed), Pablo Daniel Franco Caballero (ed)
November 21, 2024

V Jornada de seguimiento del Programa de Doctorado en Biotecnología Avanzada: Libro de resúmenes

Luis Rodríguez Moreno (ed), Jose Rufián Plaza (ed), Manuel Cifuentes Rueda (ed)
September 28, 2024

Avances de la Investigación en Biomecánica en España

María Prado Nóvoa (ed), Ana Perez de la Blanca Cobos (ed), Salvador Moreno Vegas (ed), Vicente Blanca Salgado (ed)
November 20, 2023

Nexos culturales en el mundo hispánico: Ni de aquí ni de allá

Kyra A. Kietrys (ed), Lucas A. Marchante-Aragón (ed), Juan Antonio Perles Rochel (ed), Sara Robles Ávila (ed), Adam L. Winkel (ed)
October 31, 2023

TIC en educación en la era digital: propuestas de investigación e intervención

Enrique Alastor (ed), Elena Sánchez-Vega (ed), Inmaculada Martínez-García (ed), María Rubio-Gragera (ed)
October 18, 2023

Investigación en educación con TIC: retos y oportunidades

Enrique Alastor (ed), Elena Sánchez-Vega (ed), Inmaculada Martínez-García (ed), María Rubio-Gragera (ed)
October 4, 2023

IBEMOB·22. Proceedings of 1º Iberoamerican Workshop on Electromobility

Alicia Triviño Cabrera (ed), Inmaculada Casaucao (ed)
July 7, 2022

La tecnología educativa hoy

Enrique Sánchez Rivas (ed), Ernesto Colomo Magaña (ed), Elena Sánchez Vega (ed), Andrea Cívico Ariza (ed)
September 24, 2021

XXI Congreso Internacional Interacción Persona-Ordenador

Arcadio Reyes Lecuona (ed), Blanca Montalvo Gallego (ed)
September 17, 2021

I Encuentro Red Docente de Excelencia de Género e Igualdad

María Isabel Borda Crespo (ed), Rocío Palomares Perraut (ed)
March 2, 2021

Infografías Trabajos Fin de Grado de Terapia Ocupacional 19/20: Investigando en tiempos de confinamiento

Jaime Martin Martin (ed), Jose Antonio Merchán Baeza (ed), María Rodríguez Bailón (ed)
January 7, 2021

Tecnologías educativas y estrategias didácticas

Enrique Sánchez Rivas (ed), Ernesto Colomo Magaña (ed), Julio Ruiz Palmero (ed)
October 20, 2020

La tecnología como eje del cambio metodológico

Enrique Sánchez Rivas (ed), Ernesto Colomo Magaña (ed), Julio Ruiz Palmero (ed), José Sánchez Rodríguez (ed)
September 29, 2020

Libro de Actas I Workshop de agentes sociales sobre al África Subsahariana en Málaga

Fernando Wulff Alonso (ed), Ana María López Narbona (ed)
September 29, 2020
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