Knowledge of Spanish in France and the first Spanish-French grammars (1550-1700)
Siglos XVI y XVIISynopsis
The masterful third-cycle thesis defended at the Sorbonne by Sabine Collet-Sedola in the 1973-74 academic year, entitled La connaissance de l'espagnol en France et les premières grammaires hispano-françaises (1550-1700), is key in the studies linked to the beginnings of teaching Spanish as a foreign language in France; However, in its pages there were discoveries of great interest because it remained unpublished. Therefore, with the inspiration of the edition of Suárez Gómez's thesis (Juan F. García Bascuñana and Esther Juan, edition, annotation and presentation of “G. Suárez Gómez, The teaching of French in Spain until 1850: with what books Did the Spaniards learn French?”, Barcelona, PPU, 2008), the original text by Collet Sedola is made available to the research community here, preceded by an introduction that contextualizes its value and frames this contribution in the career of the researcher. French.
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