Fluid Mechanics
Fluid Mechanics, Handbook, EngineeringSynopsis
This book is an introduction to Fluid Mechanics, mainly focused on Engineering students. The content is intended to be covered during two courses: a more basic one, where the fundamentals are introduced and the main engineering applications of Fluid Mechanics are studied (with the important exception of Hydraulic Machines, which are not considered here because they usually constitute a separate course in some branches of Engineering, there being very good texts in Spanish), and a more advanced one where the interested student can get a glimpse of other interesting aspects of Fluid Mechanics. The bibliography used is specified at the end of each lesson and, all together, in the final bibliographical list. Although many original references have been used, only compilations and textbooks are cited where the material is much more accessible to those students who want to go deeper into the topics covered. In addition to these references, for some topics the excellent notes on Fluid Mechanics by A. Barrero (E. T. .S I. Industriales, University of Seville, 1991) have been taken as a starting point and, for some others, the no less excellent ones by B.-T. Chu (Department of Mechanical Engineering, Yale University, 1986). I am deeply grateful to both of them for the knowledge they have imparted to me. I would also like to express my gratitude and affection to my wife, Aurora, who patiently and efficiently transferred to the computer much of the first version of these notes, which were published in 1993. My thanks also to all the students who have since passed through my classes, who have not only corrected many typos, but with their comments have contributed to the improvement of the text over the years. Finally, my gratitude to Joaquín Ortega Casanova, who has also helped me in editing the book.
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