Book of Abstracts. XIV Meeting of Young Pharmacologists of Andalusia.
Congreso, Abstract, Resumen, Farmacología, Jóvenes, Andalucía, FarmacólogoSynopsis
The XIV Meeting of Young Pharmacologists of Andalusia (RJFA), where we want to give space to both basic, clinical and translational research and to the most innovative teaching methodologies. We think it is an exceptional and enriching forum to share experiences, techniques and knowledge, all led by our young researchers in Pharmacology.
The thematic areas will include Cancer, Metabolism and Digestive System, Cardiovascular System, Nervous System, Pain and Inflammation, Pharmaceutical Care, Clinical Pharmacology, Natural Products, New Therapies and experiences in Training and Teaching Innovation in the field of Pharmacology.
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December 5, 2024
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ISBN-13 (15)